Inter- and intra-molecular interactions of Arabidopsis thaliana DELLA protein RGL1.

The phytohormone gibberellin and the DELLA proteins act together to control key aspects of plant development. Gibberellin induces degradation of DELLA proteins by recruitment of an F-box protein, using a molecular switch: a gibberellin-bound nuclear receptor interacts with the N-terminal domain of DELLA proteins, and this event primes the DELLA ...
C-terminal domain for interaction with the F-box protein. However, the mechanism of signalling between the N- and C-terminal domains of DELLA proteins is unresolved. We used in vivo and in vitro approaches to characterise two- and three-partite interactions of the DELLA protein RGL1 of Arabidopsis thaliana with the gibberellin receptor GID1A and the F-box protein SLY1. Deuterium exchange mass spectroscopy unequivocally showed that the RGL1 entire N-terminal domain is disordered prior to interaction with the GID1A; furthermore, association/dissociation kinetics, determined by surface plasmon resonance, predicts a two state conformational change of the RGL1 N-terminal domain upon interaction with GID1A. Additionally, competition assays with monoclonal antibodies revealed that contacts mediated by the short helix Asp/Glu/Leu/Leu of the hallmark DELLA motif are not essential for the GID1A-RGL1 N-terminal domain interaction. Finally, yeast two- and three-hybrid experiments determined that unabated communication between N- and C-terminal domains of RGL1 is required for recruitment of the F-box protein SLY1.
Date: Feb. 15, 2011
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