CIN85 regulates ubiquitination and degradative endosomal sorting of the EGF receptor.

CIN85 has been demonstrated to interact with a number of proteins involved in endocytosis and intracellular sorting. However, the exact functional role of CIN85 in endocytosis remains unclear. We have investigated whether CIN85 plays a role in EGF-induced EGF receptor (EGFR) internalization, as previously suggested, or whether CIN85 is rather ...
involved in endosomal sorting of the EGFR. When over-expressing a dominant negative interfering CIN85 mutant consisting of three SH3 domains only, we found that internalization of EGF was inhibited. However, when knocking down CIN85 by RNAi, the EGF-EGFR uptake appeared similar to in control cells. Furthermore, in CIN85 depleted cells, EGF-induced ubiquitination of the EGFR was decreased, and degradation of EGF-EGFR complexes was delayed. Our data further demonstrated that depletion of CIN85 increased the recycling of EGF, suggesting that CIN85 plays a role in endosomal sorting of the ubiquitinated EGFR. Our data also demonstrated that CIN85 was constitutively associated with Hrs, and this strengthens the hypothesis of a functional role of CIN85 in endosomal EGFR sorting.
Mesh Terms:
Adaptor Proteins, Signal Transducing, Cells, Cultured, Endosomes, Epidermal Growth Factor, Hela Cells, Humans, Receptor, Epidermal Growth Factor, Recombinant Proteins, Ubiquitination
Exp. Cell Res.
Date: Aug. 01, 2011
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