Mcm10 Plays a Role in Functioning of the Eukaryotic Replicative DNA Helicase, Cdc45-Mcm-GINS.
Eukaryotic DNA replication is initiated at multiple origins of replication, where many replication proteins assemble under the control of the cell cycle [1]. A key process of replication initiation is to convert inactive Mcm2-7 to active Cdc45-Mcm-GINS (CMG) replicative helicase [2]. However, it is not known whether the CMG assembly ... would automatically activate its helicase activity and thus assemble the replisome. Mcm10 is an evolutionally conserved essential protein required for the initiation of replication [3, 4]. Although the roles of many proteins involved in the initiation are understood, the role of Mcm10 remains controversial [5-9]. To characterize Mcm10 in more detail, we constructed budding yeast cells bearing a degron-fused Mcm10 protein that can be efficiently degraded in response to auxin. In the absence of Mcm10, a stable CMG complex was assembled at origins. However, subsequent translocation of CMG, replication protein A loading to origins, and the intra-S checkpoint activation were severely diminished, suggesting that origin unwinding is defective. We also found that Mcm10 associates with origins during initiation in an S-cyclin-dependent kinase- and Cdc45-dependent manner. Thus, Mcm10 plays an essential role in functioning of the CMG replicative helicase independent of assembly of a stable CMG complex at origins.
Date: Jan. 24, 2012
PubMed ID: 22285032
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