Skp1 stabilizes the conformation of F-box proteins.

The SCF ubiquitin ligase complex consists of four components, Skp1, Cul1, ROC1/Rbx1, and a variable subunit F-box protein, which serves as a receptor for target proteins. The F-box proteins consist of an N-terminal ∼40 amino acid F-box domain that binds to Skp1 and the C-terminal substrate-binding domain. We have reported ...
previously that Fbs1 and Fbs2 are N-linked glycoprotein-specific F-box proteins. In addition, other three F-box proteins, Fbg3, Fbg4, and Fbg5, show high homology to Fbs1 and Fbs2, but their functions remain largely unknown. Here we report that Skp1 assists in correct folding of exogenously expressed F-box proteins. Fbs2 as well as Fbg3, Fbg4, and Fbg5 proteins formed SCF complexes but did not bind to N-glycoproteins when exogenously expressed alone. However, co-expression of Fbs2 and Fbg5 with Skp1 facilitated their binding to glycoproteins that reacted with ConA. Furthermore, Skp1 increased the cellular concentrations of F-box proteins by preventing aggregate formation. These observations suggest that Skp1 plays an important role in stabilizing the conformation of these F-box proteins, which increases their expression levels and substrate-binding.
Mesh Terms:
F-Box Proteins, HeLa Cells, Humans, Protein Conformation, Protein Stability, S-Phase Kinase-Associated Proteins
Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun.
Date: Jun. 24, 2011
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