Potassium channel regulator KCNRG regulates surface expression of Shaker-type potassium channels.

Besides their role in the generation of action potentials, voltage-gated potassium channels are implicated in cellular processes ranging from cell division to cell death. The K(+) channel regulator protein (KCNRG), identified as a putative tumor suppressor, reduces K(+) currents through human K(+) channels hKv1.1 and hKv1.4 expressed in Xenopus oocytes. ...
Current attenuation requires the presence of the N-terminal T1 Domain and immunoprecipitation experiments suggest association of KCNRG with the N-terminus of the channel. Our data indicates that KCNRG is an ER-associated protein, which we propose regulates Kv1 family channel proteins by retaining a fraction of channels in endomembranes.
Mesh Terms:
Action Potentials, Animals, Cell Line, Cell Membrane, Endoplasmic Reticulum, Humans, Immunoprecipitation, Kv1.1 Potassium Channel, Kv1.4 Potassium Channel, Oocytes, Potassium Channels, Protein Structure, Tertiary, Xenopus
Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun.
Date: Jan. 15, 2010
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