The yeast Rvs161 and Rvs167 proteins are involved in secretory vesicles targeting the plasma membrane and in cell integrity.

The Rvs161 and Rvs167 proteins are known to play a role in actin cytokeleton organization and endocytosis. Moreover, Rvs167p functionally interacts with the myosin Myo2p. Therefore, we explored the involvement of the Rvs proteins in vesicle traffic and in cell integrity. The rvs mutants accumulate late secretory vesicles at sites ...
of membrane and cell wall construction. They are synthetic-lethal with the slt2/mpk1 mutation, which affects the MAP kinase cascade controlled by Pkc1p and is required for cell integrity. The phenotype of the double mutants is close to that described for the pkc1 mutant. Synthetic defects for growth are also observed with mutation in KRE6, a gene coding for a glucan synthase, required for cell wall construction. These data support the idea that the Rvs proteins are involved in the late targeting of vesicles whose cargoes are required for cell wall construction.
Mesh Terms:
Cell Membrane, Cell Wall, Culture Media, Cytoskeletal Proteins, Fungal Proteins, Gene Dosage, Genes, Fungal, Membrane Proteins, Microfilament Proteins, Microscopy, Electron, Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinases, Mutation, Phenotype, Protein Kinase C, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Saccharomyces cerevisiae Proteins, Secretory Vesicles, Spores, Fungal
Date: Aug. 01, 2001
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