Effects of null mutations in the hexokinase genes of Saccharomyces cerevisiae on catabolite repression.

Saccharomyces cerevisiae has two homologous hexokinases, I and II; they are 78% identical at the amino acid level. Either enzyme allows yeast cells to ferment fructose. Mutant strains without any hexokinase can still grow on glucose by using a third enzyme, glucokinase. Hexokinase II has been implicated in the control ...
of catabolite repression in yeasts. We constructed null mutations in both hexokinase genes, HXK1 and HXK2, and studied their effect on the fermentation of fructose and on catabolite repression of three different genes in yeasts: SUC2, CYC1, and GAL10. The results indicate that hxk1 or hxk2 single null mutants can ferment fructose but that hxk1 hxk2 double mutants cannot. The hxk2 single mutant, as well as the double mutant, failed to show catabolite repression in all three systems, while the hxk1 null mutation had little or no effect on catabolite repression.
Mesh Terms:
Enzyme Repression, Fructose, Genes, Genes, Fungal, Genotype, Hexokinase, Mutation, Plasmids, Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Mol. Cell. Biol.
Date: Nov. 01, 1986
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