The translation machinery and 70 kd heat shock protein cooperate in protein synthesis.

The function of the yeast SSB 70 kd heatshock proteins (hsp70s) was investigated by a variety of approaches. The SSB hsp70s (Ssb1/2p) are associated with translating ribosomes. This association is disrupted by puromycin, suggesting that Ssb1/2p may bind directly to the nascent polypeptide. Mutant ssb1 ssb2 strains grow slowly, contain ...
a low number of translating ribosomes, and are hypersensitive to several inhibitors of protein synthesis. The slow growth phenotype of ssb1 ssb2 mutants is suppressed by increased copy number of a gene encoding a novel translation elongation factor 1 alpha (EF-1 alpha)-like protein. We suggest that cytosolic hsp70 aids in the passage of the nascent polypeptide chain through the ribosome in a manner analogous to the role played by organelle-localized hsp70 in the transport of proteins across membranes.
Mesh Terms:
Amino Acid Sequence, Base Sequence, Fungal Proteins, GTP-Binding Proteins, HSP70 Heat-Shock Proteins, Heat-Shock Proteins, Molecular Sequence Data, Peptide Elongation Factor 1, Peptide Elongation Factors, Protein Biosynthesis, Puromycin, Ribonucleoproteins, Ribosomes, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Saccharomyces cerevisiae Proteins
Date: Oct. 02, 1992
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