Deletion of the gene encoding the cyclin-dependent protein kinase Pho85 alters glycogen metabolism in Saccharomyces cerevisiae.

Pho85, a protein kinase with significant homology to the cyclin-dependent kinase, Cdc28, has been shown to function in repression of transcription of acid phosphatase (APase, encoded by PHO5) in high phosphate (Pi) medium, as well as in regulation of the cell cycle at G1/S. We described several unique phenotypes associated ...
with the deletion of the PHO85 gene including growth defects on a variety of carbon sources and hyperaccumulation of glycogen in rich medium high in Pi. Hyperaccumulation of glycogen in the pho85 strains is independent of other APase regulatory molecules and is not signaled through Snfl kinase. However, constitutive activation of cAPK suppresses the hyperaccumulation of glycogen in a pho85 mutant. Mutation of the type-1 protein phosphatase encoded by GLC7 only partially suppresses the glycogen phenotype of the pho85 mutant. Additionally, strains containing a deletion of the PHO85 gene show an increase in expression of GSY2. This work provides evidence that Pho85 has functions in addition to transcriptional regulation of APase and cell-cycle progression including the regulation of glycogen levels in the cell and may provide a link between the nutritional state of the cell and these growth related responses.
Mesh Terms:
Acid Phosphatase, Culture Media, Cyclin-Dependent Kinases, Gene Deletion, Gene Expression Regulation, Fungal, Genes, Fungal, Genotype, Glycogen, Heterozygote, Mutagenesis, Phosphates, Plasmids, Repressor Proteins, Restriction Mapping, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Saccharomyces cerevisiae Proteins, Transcription, Genetic
Date: May. 01, 1996
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