CUL3-KBTBD6/KBTBD7 ubiquitin ligase cooperates with GABARAP proteins to spatially restrict TIAM1-RAC1 signaling.

The small Rho GTPase RAC1 is an essential regulator of cellular signaling that controls actin rearrangements and cell motility. Here, we identify a novel CUL3 RING ubiquitin ligase complex, containing the substrate adaptors KBTBD6 and KBTBD7, that mediates ubiquitylation and proteasomal degradation of TIAM1, a RAC1-specific GEF. Increasing the abundance ...
of TIAM1 by depletion of KBTBD6 and/or KBTBD7 leads to elevated RAC1 activity, changes in actin morphology, loss of focal adhesions, reduced proliferation, and enhanced invasion. KBTBD6 and KBTBD7 employ ATG8 family-interacting motifs to bind preferentially to GABARAP proteins. Surprisingly, ubiquitylation and degradation of TIAM1 by CUL3(KBTBD6/KBTBD7) depends on its binding to GABARAP proteins. Our study reveals that recruitment of CUL3(KBTBD6/KBTBD7) to GABARAP-containing vesicles regulates the abundance of membrane-associated TIAM1 and subsequently spatially restricted RAC1 signaling. Besides their role in autophagy and trafficking, we uncovered a previously unknown function of GABARAP proteins as membrane-localized signaling scaffolds.
Mol. Cell
Date: Mar. 19, 2015
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