Wnt-induced deubiquitination FoxM1 ensures nucleus β-catenin transactivation.

A key step of Wnt signaling activation is the recruitment of β-catenin to the Wnt target-gene promoter in the nucleus, but its mechanisms are largely unknown. Here, we identified FoxM1 as a novel target of Wnt signaling, which is essential for β-catenin/TCF4 transactivation. GSK3 phosphorylates FoxM1 on serine 474 which ...
induces FoxM1 ubiquitination mediated by FBXW7. Wnt signaling activation inhibits FoxM1 phosphorylation by GSK3-Axin complex and leads to interaction between FoxM1 and deubiquitinating enzyme USP5, thereby deubiquitination and stabilization of FoxM1. FoxM1 accumulation in the nucleus promotes recruitment of β-catenin to Wnt target-gene promoter and activates the Wnt signaling pathway by protecting the β-catenin/TCF4 complex from ICAT inhibition. Subsequently, the USP5-FoxM1 axis abolishes the inhibitory effect of ICAT and is required for Wnt-mediated tumor cell proliferation. Therefore, Wnt-induced deubiquitination of FoxM1 represents a novel and critical mechanism for controlling canonical Wnt signaling and cell proliferation.
Mesh Terms:
Cell Line, Endopeptidases, Forkhead Transcription Factors, Gene Expression Regulation, Humans, Transcriptional Activation, Ubiquitination, Wnt Proteins, Wnt Signaling Pathway, beta Catenin
Date: Mar. 15, 2016
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