Analysis of biophysical and functional consequences of tropomyosin-fluorescent protein fusions.

The dynamic nature of actin polymers is modulated to facilitate a diverse range of cellular processes. These dynamic properties are determined by different isoforms of tropomyosin which are recruited to distinct subpopulations of actin polymers to differentially regulate their functional properties. This makes tropomyosin an attractive target for labelling discrete ...
actin populations. We have assessed the effect of different fluorescent labelling strategies for this protein. Although tropomyosin-fluorescent fusions decorate actin in vivo, they are either nonfunctional or perturb regulation of actin nucleation and cell cycle timings. Thus, conclusions and physiological relevance should be carefully evaluated when using tropomyosin fusions.
Mesh Terms:
Actins, Green Fluorescent Proteins, Molecular Imaging, Protein Binding, Recombinant Proteins, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Tropomyosin
FEBS Lett.
Date: Sep. 01, 2016
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