Isolation and characterization of the fission yeast protein phosphatase gene ppe1+ involved in cell shape control and mitosis.
We isolated a fission yeast putative protein serine/threonine phosphatase gene designated ppe1+ by hybridization. The predicted amino acid sequence is similar to those of the fission yeast ppa2 (53% identity) and dis2 (39%) phosphatases, and highly similar to those of the budding yeast SIT4 (72%), Drosophila PPV (68%) and rabbit ... PPX (61%) phosphatases. Antibodies against ppe1 protein identified a 37-kd polypeptide in fission yeast. A gene disruption (designated delta ppe1) caused cold-sensitive lethality and short, pear-shaped cells. These phenotypes were fully suppressed by a plasmid carrying ppe1+. Three classes of multicopy suppressor genes for delta ppe1 were identified as follows: 1) ppa1+ and ppa2+ encoding type 2A-like phosphatases, 2) mitotically essential dis3+ similar to the budding yeast SSD1/SRK1, a suppressor for sit4, and 3) pck1+ coding for a protein kinase C-like kinase. Consistently, the budding yeast SIT4 gene was also a multicopy suppressor for delta ppe1. Phosphatase ppe1 may play a role in cell morphogenesis and mitosis by either regulating or being regulated by these multicopy suppressor gene products. Consistent with this hypothesis, double mutants ppe1-ppa2 and ppe1-pck1 are lethal at the permissive temperature.
Mesh Terms:
Amino Acid Sequence, Base Sequence, Cell Cycle Proteins, Cold Temperature, DNA, Fungal, Gene Expression, Genes, Fungal, Genes, Overlapping, Genes, Suppressor, Mitosis, Molecular Sequence Data, Multigene Family, Phenotype, Phosphoprotein Phosphatases, Schizosaccharomyces, Schizosaccharomyces pombe Proteins
Amino Acid Sequence, Base Sequence, Cell Cycle Proteins, Cold Temperature, DNA, Fungal, Gene Expression, Genes, Fungal, Genes, Overlapping, Genes, Suppressor, Mitosis, Molecular Sequence Data, Multigene Family, Phenotype, Phosphoprotein Phosphatases, Schizosaccharomyces, Schizosaccharomyces pombe Proteins
Mol. Biol. Cell
Date: Mar. 01, 1993
PubMed ID: 8387356
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