Comparative Protein Interaction Network Analysis Identifies Shared and Distinct Functions for the Human ROCO Proteins.

Signal transduction cascades governed by kinases and GTPases are a critical component of the command and control of cellular processes, with the precise outcome partly determined by direct protein-protein interactions (PPIs). Here, we use the human ROCO proteins as a model for investigating PPI signaling events-taking advantage of the unique ...
dual kinase/GTPase activities and scaffolding properties of these multidomain proteins. PPI networks are reported that encompass the human ROCO proteins, developed using two complementary approaches. First, using the recently developed weighted PPI network analysis (WPPINA) pipeline, a confidence-weighted overview of validated ROCO protein interactors is obtained from peer-reviewed literature. Second, novel ROCO PPIs are assessed experimentally via protein microarray screens. The networks derived from these orthologous approaches are compared to identify common elements within the ROCO protein interactome; functional enrichment analysis of this common core of the network identified stress response and cell projection organization as shared functions within this protein family. Despite the presence of these commonalities, the results suggest that many unique interactors and therefore some specialized cellular roles have evolved for different members of the ROCO proteins. Overall, this multi-approach strategy to increase the resolution of protein interaction networks represents a prototype for the utility of PPI data integration in understanding signaling biology.
Date: May. 01, 2018
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