Structural insights into ubiquitin recognition and Ufd1 interaction of Npl4.

Npl4 is likely to be the most upstream factor recognizing Lys48-linked polyubiquitylated substrates in the proteasomal degradation pathway in yeast. Along with Ufd1, Npl4 forms a heterodimer (UN), and functions as a cofactor for the Cdc48 ATPase. Here, we report the crystal structures of yeast Npl4 in complex with Lys48-linked ...
diubiquitin and with the Npl4-binding motif of Ufd1. The distal and proximal ubiquitin moieties of Lys48-linked diubiquitin primarily interact with the C-terminal helix and N-terminal loop of the Npl4 C-terminal domain (CTD), respectively. Mutational analysis suggests that the CTD contributes to linkage selectivity and initial binding of ubiquitin chains. Ufd1 occupies a hydrophobic groove of the Mpr1/Pad1 N-terminal (MPN) domain of Npl4, which corresponds to the catalytic groove of the MPN domain of JAB1/MPN/Mov34 metalloenzyme (JAMM)-family deubiquitylating enzyme. This study provides important structural insights into the polyubiquitin chain recognition by the Cdc48-UN complex and its assembly.
Mesh Terms:
Crystallography, X-Ray, Nucleocytoplasmic Transport Proteins, Proteasome Endopeptidase Complex, Protein Binding, Protein Interaction Domains and Motifs, Recombinant Proteins, Saccharomyces cerevisiae Proteins, Ubiquitin, Ubiquitination, Valosin Containing Protein, Vesicular Transport Proteins
Nat Commun
Date: Dec. 13, 2018
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