Sequential CRISPR-Based Screens Identify LITAF and CDIP1 as the Bacillus cereus Hemolysin BL Toxin Host Receptors.

Bacteria and their toxins are associated with significant human morbidity and mortality. While a few bacterial toxins are well characterized, the mechanism of action for most toxins has not been elucidated, thereby limiting therapeutic advances. One such example is the highly potent pore-forming toxin, hemolysin BL (HBL), produced by the ...
gram-positive pathogen Bacillus cereus. However, how HBL exerts its effects and whether it requires any host factors is unknown. Here, we describe an unbiased genome-wide CRISPR-Cas9 knockout screen that identified LPS-induced TNF-? factor (LITAF) as the HBL receptor. Using LITAF-deficient cells, a second, subsequent whole-genome CRISPR-Cas9 screen identified the LITAF-like protein CDIP1 as a second, alternative receptor. We generated LITAF-deficient mice, which exhibit marked resistance to lethal HBL challenges. This work outlines and validates an approach to use iterative genome-wide CRISPR-Cas9 screens to identify the complement of host factors exploited by bacterial toxins to exert their myriad biological effects.
Cell Host Microbe
Date: Dec. 09, 2019
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