Structure-Activity Relationship of USP5 Inhibitors.

USP5 is a deubiquitinase that has been implicated in a range of diseases, including cancer, but no USP5-targeting chemical probe has been reported to date. Here, we present the progression of a chemical series that occupies the C-terminal ubiquitin-binding site of a poorly characterized zinc-finger ubiquitin binding domain (ZnF-UBD) of ...
USP5 and competitively inhibits the catalytic activity of the enzyme. Exploration of the structure-activity relationship, complemented with crystallographic characterization of the ZnF-UBD bound to multiple ligands, led to the identification of 64, which binds to the USP5 ZnF-UBD with a KD of 2.8 ?M and is selective over nine proteins containing structurally similar ZnF-UBD domains. 64 inhibits the USP5 catalytic cleavage of a di-ubiquitin substrate in an in vitro assay. This study provides a chemical and structural framework for the discovery of a chemical probe to delineate USP5 function in cells.
Mesh Terms:
Dose-Response Relationship, Drug, Endopeptidases, Enzyme Inhibitors, Humans, Molecular Structure, Structure-Activity Relationship
J Med Chem
Date: Dec. 28, 2020
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