Ubiquitin-directed AAA+ ATPase p97/VCP unfolds stable proteins crosslinked to DNA for proteolysis by SPRTN.

The protease SPRTN degrades DNA-protein crosslinks (DPCs) that threaten genome stability. SPRTN has been connected to the ubiquitin-directed protein unfoldase p97 (also called VCP or Cdc48), but a functional cooperation has not been demonstrated directly. Here, we biochemically reconstituted p97-assisted proteolysis with purified proteins and showed that p97 targets ubiquitin-modified ...
DPCs and unfolds them to prepare them for proteolysis by SPRTN. We demonstrate that purified SPRTN alone was unable to degrade a tightly-folded Eos fluorescent reporter protein even when Eos was crosslinked to DNA (Eos-DPC). However, when present, p97 unfolded poly-ubiquitinated Eos-DPC in a manner requiring its ubiquitin adapter, Ufd1-Npl4. Notably, we show that, in cooperation with p97 and Ufd1-Npl4, SPRTN proteolyzed unfolded Eos-DPC, which relied on recognition of the DNA-crosslink by SPRTN. In a simplified unfolding assay, we further demonstrate that p97, while unfolding a protein substrate, can surmount the obstacle of a DNA crosslink site in the substrate. Thus, our data demonstrate that p97, in conjunction with Ufd1-Npl4, assists SPRTN-mediated proteolysis of tightly-folded proteins crosslinked to DNA, even threading bulky protein-DNA adducts. These findings will be relevant for understanding how cells handle DPCs to ensure genome stability and for designing strategies that target p97 in combination cancer therapy.
Mesh Terms:
ATPases Associated with Diverse Cellular Activities, Cell Cycle Proteins, DNA, DNA-Binding Proteins, Genomic Instability, Humans, Proteins, Proteolysis, Ubiquitin, Valosin Containing Protein
J Biol Chem
Date: Dec. 01, 2021
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