Chr21 protein-protein interactions: enrichment in proteins involved in intellectual disability, autism, and late-onset Alzheimer's disease.

Down syndrome (DS) is caused by human chromosome 21 (HSA21) trisomy. It is characterized by a poorly understood intellectual disability (ID). We studied two mouse models of DS, one with an extra copy of the <i>Dyrk1A</i> gene (189N3) and the other with an extra copy of the mouse Chr16 syntenic ...
region (Dp(16)1Yey). RNA-seq analysis of the transcripts deregulated in the embryonic hippocampus revealed an enrichment in genes associated with chromatin for the 189N3 model, and synapses for the Dp(16)1Yey model. A large-scale yeast two-hybrid screen (82 different screens, including 72 HSA21 baits and 10 rebounds) of a human brain library containing at least 10<sup>7</sup> independent fragments identified 1,949 novel protein-protein interactions. The direct interactors of HSA21 baits and rebounds were significantly enriched in ID-related genes (<i>P</i>-value &lt; 2.29 × 10<sup>-8</sup>). Proximity ligation assays showed that some of the proteins encoded by HSA21 were located at the dendritic spine postsynaptic density, in a protein network at the dendritic spine postsynapse. We located HSA21 DYRK1A and DSCAM, mutations of which increase the risk of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) 20-fold, in this postsynaptic network. We found that an intracellular domain of DSCAM bound either DLGs, which are multimeric scaffolds comprising receptors, ion channels and associated signaling proteins, or DYRK1A. The DYRK1A-DSCAM interaction domain is conserved in <i>Drosophila</i> and humans. The postsynaptic network was found to be enriched in proteins associated with ARC-related synaptic plasticity, ASD, and late-onset Alzheimer's disease. These results highlight links between DS and brain diseases with a complex genetic basis.
Mesh Terms:
Alzheimer Disease, Animals, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Autistic Disorder, Down Syndrome, Drosophila, Humans, Intellectual Disability, Mice
Life Sci Alliance
Date: Aug. 01, 2022
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