Reconstitution of the multiprotein complex of pp60src, hsp90, and p50 in a cell-free system.

A rabbit reticulocyte lysate system that has been used to reconstitute functional complexes between steroid receptors and the 90-kDa heat shock protein (hsp90) has been used here to form complexes between the pp60src tyrosine kinase and hsp90. Reticulocyte lysate forms complexes between hsp90 and a temperature-sensitive mutant of Rous sarcoma ...
virus pp60v-src, which is normally present in cytosol virtually entirely in the multiprotein complex form. In addition, hsp90 in the lysate complexes with wild-type pp60v-src, of which only a small portion is normally recovered in cytosol in the native multiprotein complex, and with the cellular homolog, pp60c-src, which has never been recovered in cytosol in the form of a native multiprotein complex with hsp90. Moreover, the reticulocyte lysate-reconstituted complex also contains the 50-kDa phosphoprotein component of the native pp60v-src multiprotein complex. The native and reconstituted pp60src-hsp90 complexes have similar thermal stability and, like steroid receptor heterocomplexes, they are stabilized by molybdate. As previously shown with reticulocyte lysate-reconstituted steroid receptor heteroprotein complexes, the reconstituted pp60src multiprotein complex contains hsp70, which is a major candidate for providing the protein unfoldase activity required for hsp90 association.
Mesh Terms:
Animals, Avian Sarcoma Viruses, Cytosol, Drug Stability, Electrophoresis, Polyacrylamide Gel, Heat-Shock Proteins, Immunoblotting, Macromolecular Substances, Molecular Weight, Molybdenum, Multiprotein Complexes, Oncogene Protein pp60(v-src), Phosphoproteins, Rabbits, Reticulocytes
J. Biol. Chem.
Date: Feb. 15, 1992
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