Caenorhabditis elegans


CELE_T09A5.10, T09A5.10
lin-5 encodes a novel protein with a centrally located alpha-helical coiled-coil domain and ten potential proline-directed kinase phosphorylation sites; LIN-5 activity is required for mitosis and cytokinesis at all stages of development and specifically, for spindle positioning, chromosome alignment and segregation, and perhaps also for blocking exit from mitosis when chromosome segregation fails; LIN-5, which is expressed maternally, embryonically, and during larval stages, localizes to the cell periphery and, in a microtubule-dependent manner, to the meiotic spindle and the asters and kinetochore microtubules of the mitotic spindle; in regulating spindle function, LIN-5 interacts with two G protein regulators, GPR-1 and GPR-2, which require LIN-5 activity for localization to the spindle and cell cortex; additionally, LIN-5 interacts in vitro with itself, the coiled-coil protein LFI-1, GEI-16, and several other novel proteins; genetic studies indicate that in regulating embryonic spindle function, lin-5 acts downsteam of par-2, par-3, mes-1, and src-1 and upstream of gpr-1, gpr-2, goa-1, and gpa-16.
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