Caenorhabditis elegans
CELE_C14F5.5, C14F5.5
sem-5 encodes a Src homology (SH) domain 2 and 3-containing protein, orthologous to human GRB2 (OMIM:108355) and Drosophila Drk; sem-5 functions in multiple signaling pathways during development including those regulating sex myoblast migration, muscle membrane extension, vulval induction, fluid balance, viability, and formation of the male tail; SEM-5 acts downstream of the LET-23 epidermal growth factor receptor to negatively regulate RAS-, MAP-, and IP-3-, mediated signal transduction; a sem-5::yfp promoter fusion is expressed in many cells throughout development, including the hypodermis, intestine, neurons, body wall muscles, and vulval precursor cells.
GO Process (15)
GO Function (2)
GO Component (0)
Gene Ontology Biological Process
- cell migration [IMP]
- determination of adult lifespan [IMP]
- embryo development ending in birth or egg hatching [IMP]
- hermaphrodite genitalia development [IMP]
- lipid storage [IMP]
- locomotion [IMP]
- male genitalia development [IMP]
- muscle organ development [IMP]
- nematode larval development [IMP]
- positive regulation of signal transduction [ISS]
- receptor-mediated endocytosis [IMP]
- regulation of cell projection organization [IMP]
- regulation of vulval development [IMP]
- reproduction [IMP]
- secretion by cell [IMP]
Gene Ontology Molecular Function
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