Drosophila melanogaster
11, CG1725, CG1730, CPD, DLG, DLG-A, Discs-large, DlgA, DlgS97, Dmel\CG1725, Drodlg, PSD95, SAP97, anon-EST:Posey93, anon-WO03040301.258, anon-WO03040301.260, anon-WO03040301.268, d. lg.-1, dlg-1, l(1)10Bf, l(1)G0276, l(1)G0342, l(1)G0456, l(1)G19, l(1)L11, l(1)bwn, l(1)d.lg-1, l(1)d.lg.-1, l(1)discs large, l(1)dlg, l(1)dlg-1, l(1)dlg1, l(1)l.pr.-2, l(1)lpr-2, misb, Dmel_CG1725
discs large 1
GO Process (32)
GO Function (4)
GO Component (18)
Gene Ontology Biological Process
- asymmetric protein localization [IMP, TAS]
- asymmetric protein localization involved in cell fate determination [TAS]
- basal protein localization [IMP, NAS]
- cell proliferation [TAS]
- cytoskeleton organization [NAS]
- dorsal closure [NAS, TAS]
- establishment of mitotic spindle orientation [IGI]
- establishment of spindle orientation [IMP]
- establishment or maintenance of epithelial cell apical/basal polarity [NAS, TAS]
- establishment or maintenance of neuroblast polarity [TAS]
- establishment or maintenance of polarity of embryonic epithelium [TAS]
- establishment or maintenance of polarity of follicular epithelium [IGI]
- establishment or maintenance of polarity of larval imaginal disc epithelium [NAS, TAS]
- gravitaxis [IMP]
- locomotor rhythm [IMP]
- male courtship behavior [IMP]
- mating behavior [IMP]
- morphogenesis of a polarized epithelium [TAS]
- morphogenesis of an epithelium [TAS]
- morphogenesis of follicular epithelium [IMP]
- morphogenesis of larval imaginal disc epithelium [TAS]
- negative regulation of cell proliferation [TAS]
- nervous system development [IMP]
- positive phototaxis [IMP]
- positive regulation of synaptic growth at neuromuscular junction [IMP]
- protein localization [IMP, TAS]
- regulation of border follicle cell delamination [TAS]
- regulation of cell cycle [NAS]
- regulation of cell proliferation [TAS]
- septate junction assembly [TAS]
- synaptic growth at neuromuscular junction [IMP]
- synaptic transmission [IMP]
Gene Ontology Molecular Function
Gene Ontology Cellular Component
- apical cortex [IDA]
- apicolateral plasma membrane [IDA]
- basolateral plasma membrane [TAS]
- cell cortex [IDA]
- cytoskeleton [NAS]
- lateral plasma membrane [IDA]
- membrane [TAS]
- neuromuscular junction [IDA]
- perinuclear region of cytoplasm [IDA]
- plasma membrane [IDA, IMP, NAS]
- postsynaptic membrane [IDA]
- presynaptic membrane [IDA]
- septate junction [NAS, TAS]
- smooth septate junction [IDA]
- synapse [IDA, TAS]
- terminal bouton [IDA]
- type I terminal bouton [IDA]
- type Ib terminal bouton [IDA]
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- Interactors 67
- Interactions 132
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- PTM Sites 31