General role of GDP dissociation inhibitor 2 in membrane release of Rab proteins: modulations of its functional interactions by in vitro and in vivo structural modifications.

The GDP dissociation inhibitors (GDIs) represent an important class of regulatory proteins in the functional cycle and recycling of Rab GTPases. Previous studies have demonstrated that GDI-1 can operate with multiple Rab proteins. In this study we have addressed a plausible general activity of GDI-2 in supporting Rab membrane release ...
and have analyzed the requirements of sequence-conserved vs variable regions of GDI-2 in these functional interactions. The in vitro function of expressed recombinant GDI-2 wild-type-, point-, or deletion-mutant proteins was investigated toward several Rab family members, divergent in structure, localized and operating on different membranes, including Rab2, Rab4, Rab5, Rab8, Rab9, and Rab11. We demonstrate here a general and nearly invariant ability of GDI-2(WT) to release from membranes this subset of diverse Rabs. Deletion of an 18-residue segment from the C-terminal variable region yielded a fully functional or only slightly defective GDI-2. Conversely, substitution of Met at position 250 of the conserved region markedly abrogated the activity toward all Rabs. Surprisingly, a replacement of an adjacent conserved residue (Y249V) resulted in a selective Rab-dependent response and a profound gain of function toward specific Rabs. To further test whether the endogenous GDI-2 can adopt a gain-of-function conformation, we pharmacologically stimulated intact 3T3-L1 adipocytes to induce GDI-2 tyrosine phosphorylation. We found a pronounced increase of the Rab4 soluble form and its soluble complexes with the tyrosine-phosphorylated GDI-2. Together, these results indicate that (a) GDI-2 displays a general activity to release Rabs from membranes, (b) GDI-2-conserved residues, but not the C-terminal variable region, are essential for this activity, and (c) structural modifications in GDI-2 can enhance its functional activity, directing selective interactions with individual Rabs.
Mesh Terms:
3T3 Cells, Animals, Base Sequence, Cell Membrane, DNA Primers, GTP-Binding Proteins, Guanine Nucleotide Dissociation Inhibitors, Mice, Mutagenesis, Site-Directed, Protein Conformation
Date: Sep. 07, 1999
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