Renaturation of skeletal muscle tropomyosin: implications for in vivo assembly.

The observation that the alpha beta heterodimer is the predominant species of tropomyosin in rabbit skeletal muscles has led to the suggestion that this species assembles preferentially. To understand the molecular basis of this assembly process, we have studied renaturation under conditions that favor heterodimer formation. When skeletal muscle tropomyosin ...
composed of equal amounts of alpha and beta subunits is renatured either by cooling or by dialysis a distribution that favors homodimers is generated. In contrast, rapid renaturation by dilution from urea favors the heterodimer. Further analysis of this latter renaturation procedure with cysteine-cleavage fragments of tropomyosin using circular dichroic measurements shows that as few as 30 residues in the NH2-terminal third of each tropomyosin subunit are involved in the initial interaction that results in heterodimer formation. Based on the density of sequence substitutions between the alpha and beta subunits, that region probably includes residues 36-64.
Mesh Terms:
Animals, Muscles, Protein Conformation, Rabbits, Tropomyosin
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A.
Date: Apr. 01, 1985
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