CCS-3, CCS3, EE1A1, EEF-1, EEF1A, EF-Tu, EF1A, GRAF-1EF, HNGC:16303, LENG7, PTI1, eEF1A-1, RP11-505P4.2
eukaryotic translation elongation factor 1 alpha 1
Homo sapiens

Affinity Capture-RNA

An interaction is inferred when a bait protein is affinity captured from cell extracts by either polyclonal antibody or epitope tag and associated RNA species identified by Northern blot, RT-PCR, affinity labeling, sequencing, or microarray analysis.


Insights into RNA biology from an atlas of mammalian mRNA-binding proteins.

Castello A, Fischer B, Eichelbaum K, Horos R, Beckmann BM, Strein C, Davey NE, Humphreys DT, Preiss T, Steinmetz LM, Krijgsveld J, Hentze MW

RNA-binding proteins (RBPs) determine RNA fate from synthesis to decay. Employing two complementary protocols for covalent UV crosslinking of RBPs to RNA, we describe a systematic, unbiased, and comprehensive approach, termed "interactome capture," to define the mRNA interactome of proliferating human HeLa cells. We identify 860 proteins that qualify as RBPs by biochemical and statistical criteria, adding more than 300 ... [more]

Cell Jun. 08, 2012; 149(6);1393-406 [Pubmed: 22658674]


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