PP2Ac, PP2CA, PP2Calpha, RP-C
protein phosphatase 2, catalytic subunit, alpha isozyme
Homo sapiens

Affinity Capture-Western

An interaction is inferred when a bait protein is affinity captured from cell extracts by either polyclonal antibody or epitope tag and the associated interaction partner identified by Western blot with a specific polyclonal antibody or second epitope tag. This category is also used if an interacting protein is visualized directly by dye stain or radioactivity. Note that this differs from any co-purification experiment involving affinity capture in that the co-purification experiment involves at least one extra purification step to get rid of potential contaminating proteins.


Control of APC/C-dependent ubiquitin chain elongation by reversible phosphorylation.

Craney A, Kelly A, Jia L, Fedrigo I, Yu H, Rape M

Most metazoan E3 ligases contain a signature RING domain that promotes the transfer of ubiquitin from the active site of E2 conjugating enzymes to lysine residues in substrates. Although these RING-E3s depend on E2 enzymes for catalysis, how they turn on their E2s at the right time and place remains poorly understood. Here we report a phosphorylation-dependent mechanism that ensures ... [more]

Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. Feb. 09, 2016; 113(6);1540-5 [Pubmed: 26811472]


  • Low Throughput

Additional Notes

  • Figure 1

Curated By

  • BioGRID