Reconstituted Complex

An interaction is detected between purified proteins in vitro.


RRAD promotes EGFR-mediated STAT3 activation and induces temozolomide resistance of malignant glioblastoma.

Yeom SY, Nam DH, Park C

Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) is an extremely aggressive brain cancer with a median survival of less than 2 years. GBM is characterized by abnormal activation of receptor tyrosine kinase and constitutively activated STAT3. Although EGFR phosphorylation and STAT3 activation are essential for the maintenance of GBM cancer stem cells, the molecular mechanism underlying endosome-mediated STAT3 activation is not fully understood. In ... [more]

Mol. Cancer Ther. Dec. 01, 2014; 13(12);3049-61 [Pubmed: 25313011]


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