MMS8, DNA ligase (ATP) CDC9, L000000249, YDL164C
DNA ligase found in the nucleus and mitochondria; an essential enzyme that joins Okazaki fragments during DNA replication; also acts in ribonucleotide excision repair, base excision repair, and recombination,
GO Process (7)
GO Function (1)
GO Component (3)
Saccharomyces cerevisiae (S288c)


ORD1, SPE10, ornithine decarboxylase SPE1, L000001307, L000001993, L000001995, YKL184W
Ornithine decarboxylase; catalyzes the first step in polyamine biosynthesis; degraded in a proteasome-dependent manner in the presence of excess polyamines; deletion decreases lifespan, and increases necrotic cell death and ROS generation
GO Process (2)
GO Function (1)
GO Component (1)

Gene Ontology Molecular Function

Gene Ontology Cellular Component

Saccharomyces cerevisiae (S288c)

Negative Genetic

Mutations/deletions in separate genes, each of which alone causes a minimal phenotype, but when combined in the same cell results in a more severe fitness defect or lethality under a given condition. This term is reserved for high or low throughput studies with scores.


Unligated Okazaki Fragments Induce PCNA Ubiquitination and a Requirement for Rad59-Dependent Replication Fork Progression.

Nguyen HD, Becker J, Thu YM, Costanzo M, Koch EN, Smith S, Myung K, Myers CL, Boone C, Bielinsky AK

Deficiency in DNA ligase I, encoded by CDC9 in budding yeast, leads to the accumulation of unligated Okazaki fragments and triggers PCNA ubiquitination at a non-canonical lysine residue. This signal is crucial to activate the S phase checkpoint, which promotes cell cycle delay. We report here that a pol30-K107 mutation alleviated cell cycle delay in cdc9 mutants, consistent with the ... [more]

PLoS ONE Jul. 05, 2013; 8(6);e66379 [Pubmed: 23824283]


  • High Throughput

Ontology Terms

  • phenotype: colony size (APO:0000063)

Additional Notes

  • SGA
  • authors considered genes with a score below -0.09 and a p-value<.15 to be hits

Curated By

  • BioGRID