EAF4, NBN1, histone acetyltransferase YNG2, L000004452, YHR090C
Subunit of NuA4, an essential histone acetyltransferase complex; positions Piccolo NuA4 for efficient acetylation of histone H4 or histone H2A; relocalizes to the cytosol in response to hypoxia; similar to human tumor suppressor ING1 and its isoforms ING4 and ING5
GO Process (3)
GO Function (2)
GO Component (4)
Saccharomyces cerevisiae (S288c)


CAL1, CSD2, DIT101, KTI2, chitin synthase CHS3, L000000331, YBR023C
Chitin synthase III; catalyzes the transfer of N-acetylglucosamine (GlcNAc) to chitin; required for synthesis of the majority of cell wall chitin, the chitin ring during bud emergence, and spore wall chitosan; contains overlapping di-leucine and di-acidic signals that mediate, respectively, intracellular trafficking by AP-1 and trafficking to plasma membrane by exomer complex; requires AP-3 complex for its intracellular retention
GO Process (2)
GO Function (1)
GO Component (7)
Saccharomyces cerevisiae (S288c)

Negative Genetic

Mutations/deletions in separate genes, each of which alone causes a minimal phenotype, but when combined in the same cell results in a more severe fitness defect or lethality under a given condition. This term is reserved for high or low throughput studies with scores.


Combined Action of Histone Reader Modules Regulates NuA4 Local Acetyltransferase Function but Not Its Recruitment on the Genome.

Steunou AL, Cramet M, Rossetto D, Aristizabal MJ, Lacoste N, Drouin S, Cote V, Paquet E, Utley RT, Krogan N, Robert F, Kobor MS, Cote J

Recognition of histone marks by reader modules is thought to be at the heart of epigenetic mechanisms. These protein domains are considered to function by targeting regulators to chromosomal loci carrying specific histone modifications. This is important for proper gene regulation as well as propagation of epigenetic information. The NuA4 acetyltransferase complex contains two of these reader modules, an H3K4me3-specific ... [more]

Mol. Cell. Biol. Nov. 15, 2016; 36(22);2768-2781 [Pubmed: 27550811]


  • High Throughput

Ontology Terms

  • phenotype: colony size (APO:0000063)

Additional Notes

  • E-MAP, significance >2 or <-2.5
  • yng2 - W247A

Curated By

  • BioGRID