proliferating cell nuclear antigen, PCNA, L000001463, YBR088C
Proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA); functions as the sliding clamp for DNA polymerase delta; may function as a docking site for other proteins required for mitotic and meiotic chromosomal DNA replication and for DNA repair
Saccharomyces cerevisiae (S288c)


CUL8, cullin RTT101, CULC, L000004737, YJL047C
Cullin subunit of a Roc1p-dependent E3 ubiquitin ligase complex; role in anaphase progression; implicated in Mms22-dependent DNA repair; involved with Mms1p in nonfunctional rRNA decay; modified by the ubiquitin-like protein, Rub1p
Saccharomyces cerevisiae (S288c)

Synthetic Growth Defect

A genetic interaction is inferred when mutations in separate genes, each of which alone causes a minimal phenotype, result in a significant growth defect under a given condition when combined in the same cell.


Rtt101-Mms1-Mms22 coordinates replication-coupled sister chromatid cohesion and nucleosome assembly.

Zhang J, Shi D, Li X, Ding L, Tang J, Liu C, Shirahige K, Cao Q, Lou H

Two sister chromatids must be held together by a cohesion process from their synthesis during S phase to segregation in anaphase. Despite its pivotal role in accurate chromosome segregation, how cohesion is established remains elusive. Here, we demonstrate that yeast Rtt101-Mms1, Cul4 family E3 ubiquitin ligases are stronger dosage suppressors of loss-of-function eco1 mutants than PCNA The essential cohesion reaction, ... [more]

EMBO Rep. Dec. 01, 2016; 18(8);1294-1305 [Pubmed: 28615292]


  • Low Throughput

Ontology Terms

  • phenotype: vegetative growth (APO:0000106)
  • phenotype: cold sensitivity (APO:0000148)
  • phenotype: protein/peptide modification (APO:0000131)

Additional Notes

  • deletion of RTT101, MMS1, or MMS22 dramatically exacerbates the growth defect and cold sensitivity of pol30A251V

Related interactions

InteractionExperimental Evidence CodeDatasetThroughputScoreCurated ByNotes
POL30 RTT101
Dosage Rescue
Dosage Rescue

A genetic interaction is inferred when over expression or increased dosage of one gene rescues the lethality or growth defect of a strain that is mutated or deleted for another gene.

RTT101 POL30
Negative Genetic
Negative Genetic

Mutations/deletions in separate genes, each of which alone causes a minimal phenotype, but when combined in the same cell results in a more severe fitness defect or lethality under a given condition. This term is reserved for high or low throughput studies with scores.


Curated By

  • BioGRID