ACT5, actin-related protein 1, L000000028, YHR129C
Actin-related protein of the dynactin complex; required for spindle orientation and nuclear migration; forms actin-like short filament composed of 9 or 10 Arp1p monomers; putative ortholog of mammalian centractin
GO Process (2)
GO Function (1)
GO Component (4)
Saccharomyces cerevisiae (S288c)


L000000021, YBL015W
Protein with CoA transferase activity; particularly for CoASH transfer from succinyl-CoA to acetate; has minor acetyl-CoA-hydrolase activity; phosphorylated; required for acetate utilization and for diploid pseudohyphal growth
GO Process (1)
GO Function (2)
GO Component (2)

Gene Ontology Biological Process

Gene Ontology Cellular Component

Saccharomyces cerevisiae (S288c)

Synthetic Lethality

A genetic interaction is inferred when mutations or deletions in separate genes, each of which alone causes a minimal phenotype, result in lethality when combined in the same cell under a given condition.


Annotating novel genes by integrating synthetic lethals and genomic information.

Schoener D, Kalisch M, Leisner C, Meier L, Sohrmann M, Faty M, Barral Y, Peter M, Gruissem W, Buehlmann P

BACKGROUND: Large scale screening for synthetic lethality serves as a common tool in yeast genetics to systematically search for genes that play a role in specific biological processes. Often the amounts of data resulting from a single large scale screen far exceed the capacities of experimental characterization of every identified target. Thus, there is need for computational tools that select ... [more]

Unknown Jan. 16, 2008; 2(0);3 [Pubmed: 18194531]


  • High Throughput

Ontology Terms

  • phenotype: inviable (APO:0000112)

Additional Notes

  • High Throughput: Synthetic Genetic Array (SGA) analysis

Curated By

  • BioGRID