NHL repeat containing 2
GO Process (0)
GO Function (0)
GO Component (0)
Homo sapiens


NCK-associated protein 1-like
GO Process (31)
GO Function (4)
GO Component (5)
Homo sapiens

Proximity Label-MS

An interaction is inferred when a bait-enzyme fusion protein selectively modifies a vicinal protein with a diffusible reactive product, followed by affinity capture of the modified protein and identification by mass spectrometric methods.


Identification of phagocytosis regulators using magnetic genome-wide CRISPR screens.

Haney MS, Bohlen CJ, Morgens DW, Ousey JA, Barkal AA, Tsui CK, Ego BK, Levin R, Kamber RA, Collins H, Tucker A, Li A, Vorselen D, Labitigan L, Crane E, Boyle E, Jiang L, Chan J, Rincon E, Greenleaf WJ, Li B, Snyder MP, Weissman IL, Theriot JA, Collins SR, Barres BA, Bassik MC

Phagocytosis is required for a broad range of physiological functions, from pathogen defense to tissue homeostasis, but the mechanisms required for phagocytosis of diverse substrates remain incompletely understood. Here, we developed a rapid magnet-based phenotypic screening strategy, and performed eight genome-wide CRISPR screens in human cells to identify genes regulating phagocytosis of distinct substrates. After validating select hits in focused ... [more]

Nat. Genet. Dec. 01, 2017; 50(12);1716-1727 [Pubmed: 30397336]


  • High Throughput

Additional Notes

  • BioID
  • SAINT score thresold >/= 8

Curated By

  • BioGRID