
Bait protein expressed as a DNA binding domain (DBD) fusion and prey expressed as a transcriptional activation domain (TAD) fusion and interaction measured by reporter gene activation.


The Chediak-Higashi protein interacts with SNARE complex and signal transduction proteins.

Tchernev VT, Mansfield TA, Giot L, Kumar AM, Nandabalan K, Li Y, Mishra VS, Detter JC, Rothberg JM, Wallace MR, Southwick FS, Kingsmore SF

BACKGROUND:Chediak-Higashi syndrome (CHS) is an inherited immunodeficiency disease characterized by giant lysosomes and impaired leukocyte degranulation. CHS results from mutations in the lysosomal trafficking regulator (LYST) gene, which encodes a 425-kD cytoplasmic protein of unknown function. The goal of this study was to identify proteins that interact with LYST as a first step in understanding how LYST modulates lysosomal exocytosis. ... [more]

Mol. Med. Jan. 01, 2002; 8(1);56-64 [Pubmed: 11984006]


  • Low Throughput

Related interactions

InteractionExperimental Evidence CodeDatasetThroughputScoreCurated ByNotes
Reconstituted Complex
Reconstituted Complex

An interaction is detected between purified proteins in vitro.


Curated By

  • BioGRID