Reconstituted Complex

An interaction is detected between purified proteins in vitro.


Small ubiquitin-like modifier modification regulates the DNA binding activity of glial cell missing Drosophila homolog a.

Chou CC, Chang C, Liu JH, Chen LF, Hsiao CD, Chen H

Glial cell missing Drosophila homolog a (GCMa) is an essential transcription factor for placental development, which controls the differentiation of the syncytiotrophoblast layer. Although the activity of GCMa can be post-translationally regulated by protein phosphorylation, ubiquitination, and acetylation, it is unknown whether GCMa activity can be regulated by sumoylation. In this report, we investigated the role of sumoylation in the ... [more]

J. Biol. Chem. Sep. 14, 2007; 282(37);27239-49 [Pubmed: 17646165]


  • Low Throughput

Additional Notes

  • not confirmed human

Related interactions

InteractionExperimental Evidence CodeDatasetThroughputScoreCurated ByNotes
Affinity Capture-Western
Affinity Capture-Western

An interaction is inferred when a bait protein is affinity captured from cell extracts by either polyclonal antibody or epitope tag and the associated interaction partner identified by Western blot with a specific polyclonal antibody or second epitope tag. This category is also used if an interacting protein is visualized directly by dye stain or radioactivity. Note that this differs from any co-purification experiment involving affinity capture in that the co-purification experiment involves at least one extra purification step to get rid of potential contaminating proteins.


Curated By

  • BioGRID