CDC21, CDC54, NKCD, NKGCD, P1-CDC21, hCdc21
minichromosome maintenance complex component 4
GO Process (4)
GO Function (2)
GO Component (4)
Homo sapiens

Affinity Capture-MS

An interaction is inferred when a bait protein is affinity captured from cell extracts by either polyclonal antibody or epitope tag and the associated interaction partner is identified by mass spectrometric methods.


ATRX promotes heterochromatin formation to protect cells from G-quadruplex DNA-mediated stress.

Teng YC, Sundaresan A, O'Hara R, Gant VU, Li M, Martire S, Warshaw JN, Basu A, Banaszynski LA

ATRX is a tumor suppressor that has been associated with protection from DNA replication stress, purportedly through resolution of difficult-to-replicate G-quadruplex (G4) DNA structures. While several studies demonstrate that loss of ATRX sensitizes cells to chemical stabilizers of G4 structures, the molecular function of ATRX at G4 regions during replication remains unknown. Here, we demonstrate that ATRX associates with a ... [more]

Nat Commun Dec. 23, 2020; 12(1);3887 [Pubmed: 34162889]


  • High Throughput

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InteractionExperimental Evidence CodeDatasetThroughputScoreCurated ByNotes
Synthetic Lethality
Synthetic Lethality

A genetic interaction is inferred when mutations or deletions in separate genes, each of which alone causes a minimal phenotype, result in lethality when combined in the same cell under a given condition.


Curated By

  • BioGRID