CCS-3, CCS3, EE1A1, EEF-1, EEF1A, EF-Tu, EF1A, GRAF-1EF, HNGC:16303, LENG7, PTI1, eEF1A-1, RP11-505P4.2
eukaryotic translation elongation factor 1 alpha 1
Homo sapiens

Affinity Capture-MS

An interaction is inferred when a bait protein is affinity captured from cell extracts by either polyclonal antibody or epitope tag and the associated interaction partner is identified by mass spectrometric methods.


Folate receptor ? increases chemotherapy resistance through stabilizing MDM2 in cooperation with PHB2 that is overcome by MORAb-202 in gastric cancer.

Sakai H, Kawakami H, Teramura T, Onodera Y, Somers E, Furuuchi K, Uenaka T, Kato R, Nakagawa K

The main function of folate receptor ? (FOLR?) has been considered to mediate intracellular folate uptake and induce tumor cell proliferation. Given the broad spectrum of expression among malignant tumors, including gastric cancer (GC) but not in normal tissue, FOLR? represents an attractive target for tumor-selective drug delivery. However, the efficacy of anti-FOLR? monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) has not been proved ... [more]

Clin Transl Med Dec. 01, 2020; 11(6);e454 [Pubmed: 34185411]


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