Proximity Label-MS

An interaction is inferred when a bait-enzyme fusion protein selectively modifies a vicinal protein with a diffusible reactive product, followed by affinity capture of the modified protein and identification by mass spectrometric methods.


UM171 Preserves Epigenetic Marks that Are Reduced in Ex Vivo Culture of Human HSCs via Potentiation of the CLR3-KBTBD4 Complex.

Chagraoui J, Girard S, Spinella JF, Simon L, Bonneil E, Mayotte N, MacRae T, Coulombe-Huntington J, Bertomeu T, Moison C, Tomellini E, Thibault P, Tyers M, Marinier A, Sauvageau G

Human hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) exhibit attrition of their self-renewal capacity when cultured ex vivo, a process that is partially reversed upon treatment with epigenetic modifiers, most notably inhibitors of histone deacetylases (HDACs) or lysine-specific demethylase LSD1. A recent study showed that the human HSC self-renewal agonist UM171 modulates the CoREST complex, leading to LSD1 degradation, whose inhibition mimics the activity ... [more]

Cell Stem Cell Dec. 07, 2020; 28(1);48-62.e6 [Pubmed: 33417871]


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