PIT1, phosphatidylinositol/phosphatidylcholine transfer protein SEC14, L000001839, YMR079W
Phosphatidylinositol/phosphatidylcholine transfer protein; involved in regulating PtdIns, PtdCho, and ceramide metabolism, products of which regulate intracellular transport and UPR; has a role in localization of lipid raft proteins; functionally homologous to mammalian PITPs; SEC14 has a paralog, YKL091C, that arose from the whole genome duplication
Saccharomyces cerevisiae (S288c)


L000003554, YOR299W
Member of the ChAPs family (Chs5p-Arf1p-binding proteins); members include Bch1p, Bch2p, Bud7p, and Chs6p; ChAPs family proteins form the exomer complex with Chs5p to mediate export of specific cargo proteins, including Chs3p, from the Golgi to the plasma membrane; BUD7 has a paralog, BCH1, that arose from the whole genome duplication
Saccharomyces cerevisiae (S288c)

Synthetic Lethality

A genetic interaction is inferred when mutations or deletions in separate genes, each of which alone causes a minimal phenotype, result in lethality when combined in the same cell under a given condition.


Nonclassical PITPs activate PLD via the Stt4p PtdIns-4-kinase and modulate function of late stages of exocytosis in vegetative yeast.

Routt SM, Ryan MM, Tyeryar K, Rizzieri KE, Mousley C, Roumanie O, Brennwald PJ, Bankaitis VA

Phospholipase D (PLD) is a PtdCho-hydrolyzing enzyme that plays central signaling functions in eukaryotic cells. We previously demonstrated that action of a set of four nonclassical and membrane-associated Sec14p-like phosphatidylinositol transfer proteins (PITPs) is required for optimal activation of yeast PLD in vegetative cells. Herein, we focus on mechanisms of Sfh2p and Sfh5p function in this regulatory circuit. We describe ... [more]

Traffic Dec. 01, 2005; 6(12);1157-72 [Pubmed: 16262726]


  • High Throughput

Ontology Terms

  • phenotype: inviable (APO:0000112)

Related interactions

InteractionExperimental Evidence CodeDatasetThroughputScoreCurated ByNotes
Synthetic Growth Defect
Synthetic Growth Defect

A genetic interaction is inferred when mutations in separate genes, each of which alone causes a minimal phenotype, result in a significant growth defect under a given condition when combined in the same cell.


Curated By

  • BioGRID