A1, AA408400, ALF2, AW209082, E12, E12/E47, E2A, E47, ME2, Pan1, Pan2, TCF-3, Tcfe2a, VDIR, bHLHb21
transcription factor 3
GO Process (26)
GO Function (21)
GO Component (8)
Mus musculus


Ril, RP23-354D12.3
PDZ and LIM domain 4
GO Process (1)
GO Function (2)
GO Component (0)

Gene Ontology Biological Process

Gene Ontology Molecular Function

Mus musculus


Bait protein expressed as a DNA binding domain (DBD) fusion and prey expressed as a transcriptional activation domain (TAD) fusion and interaction measured by reporter gene activation.


An atlas of combinatorial transcriptional regulation in mouse and man.

Ravasi T, Suzuki H, Cannistraci CV, Katayama S, Bajic VB, Tan K, Akalin A, Schmeier S, Kanamori-Katayama M, Bertin N, Carninci P, Daub CO, Forrest AR, Gough J, Grimmond S, Han JH, Hashimoto T, Hide W, Hofmann O, Kamburov A, Kaur M, Kawaji H, Kubosaki A, Lassmann T, van Nimwegen E, MacPherson CR, Ogawa C, Radovanovic A, Schwartz A, Teasdale RD, Tegner J, Lenhard B, Teichmann SA, Arakawa T, Ninomiya N, Murakami K, Tagami M, Fukuda S, Imamura K, Kai C, Ishihara R, Kitazume Y, Kawai J, Hume DA, Ideker T, Hayashizaki Y

Combinatorial interactions among transcription factors are critical to directing tissue-specific gene expression. To build a global atlas of these combinations, we have screened for physical interactions among the majority of human and mouse DNA-binding transcription factors (TFs). The complete networks contain 762 human and 877 mouse interactions. Analysis of the networks reveals that highly connected TFs are broadly expressed across ... [more]

Cell Mar. 05, 2010; 140(5);744-52 [Pubmed: 20211142]


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