L000004227, YDR468C
Essential t-SNARE that mediates fusion of vesicles with the late Golgi; forms a complex with Tlg2p and Vti1p; mediates fusion of endosome-derived vesicles with the late Golgi; binds the docking complex VFT (Vps fifty-three) through interaction with Vps51p
GO Process (2)
GO Function (1)
GO Component (3)

Gene Ontology Biological Process

Gene Ontology Molecular Function

Gene Ontology Cellular Component

Saccharomyces cerevisiae (S288c)


PTH1, SNAP receptor VAM3, L000003267, L000003302, YOR106W
Syntaxin-like vacuolar t-SNARE; functions with Vam7p in vacuolar protein trafficking; mediates docking/fusion of late transport intermediates with the vacuole; has an acidic di-leucine sorting signal and C-terminal transmembrane region
GO Process (6)
GO Function (1)
GO Component (2)
Saccharomyces cerevisiae (S288c)

Reconstituted Complex

An interaction is detected between purified proteins in vitro.


Distinct Contributions of Vacuolar Qabc- and R-SNARE Proteins to Membrane Fusion Specificity.

Izawa R, Onoue T, Furukawa N, Mima J

In eukaryotic endomembrane systems, Qabc-SNAREs (soluble N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive factor attachment protein receptors) on one membrane and R-SNARE on the opposing membrane assemble into a trans-QabcR-SNARE complex to drive membrane fusion. However, it remains ambiguous whether pairing of Qabc- and R-SNAREs mediates membrane fusion specificity. Here, we explored the fusion specificity of reconstituted proteoliposomes bearing purified SNAREs in yeast vacuoles and other ... [more]

J. Biol. Chem. Jan. 27, 2012; 287(5);3445-53 [Pubmed: 22174414]


  • Low Throughput

Related interactions

InteractionExperimental Evidence CodeDatasetThroughputScoreCurated ByNotes
Negative Genetic
Negative Genetic

Mutations/deletions in separate genes, each of which alone causes a minimal phenotype, but when combined in the same cell results in a more severe fitness defect or lethality under a given condition. This term is reserved for high or low throughput studies with scores.


Curated By

  • BioGRID