HEL-S-114, TRP32, TXL-1, TXNL, Txl
thioredoxin-like 1
GO Process (0)
GO Function (1)
GO Component (2)

Gene Ontology Molecular Function

Gene Ontology Cellular Component

Homo sapiens


MOV34, P40, Rpn8, S12
proteasome (prosome, macropain) 26S subunit, non-ATPase, 7
GO Process (21)
GO Function (2)
GO Component (6)
Homo sapiens


Interaction inferred from the presence of two or more protein subunits in a partially purified protein preparation. If co-fractionation is demonstrated between 3 or more proteins, then add them as a complex.


Thioredoxin-related Protein 32 is an arsenite-regulated Thiol Reductase of the proteasome 19 S particle.

Wiseman RL, Chin KT, Haynes CM, Stanhill A, Xu CF, Roguev A, Krogan NJ, Neubert TA, Ron D

Perturbation of the cytoplasmic protein folding environment by exposure to oxidative stress-inducing As(III)-containing compounds challenges the ubiquitin-proteasome system. Here we report on mass spectrometric analysis of As(III)-induced changes in the proteasome's composition in samples prepared by stable isotope labeling with amino acids in cell culture, using mammalian cells in which TRP32 (thioredoxin-related protein of 32 kDa; also referred to as ... [more]

J. Biol. Chem. May. 29, 2009; 284(22);15233-45 [Pubmed: 19349280]


  • Low Throughput

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  • BioGRID