C76307, Hmbpr, R75289, golli-mbp, mld, shi
myelin basic protein
GO Process (3)
GO Function (1)
GO Component (5)
Mus musculus


IMD22, LSK, YT16, p56lck, pp58lck, RP4-675E8.4
LCK proto-oncogene, Src family tyrosine kinase
GO Process (30)
GO Function (14)
GO Component (7)
Homo sapiens


An interaction is detected between a protein and a peptide derived from an interaction partner. This includes phage display experiments.


Binding of the proline-rich segment of myelin basic protein to SH3 domains: spectroscopic, microarray, and modeling studies of ligand conformation and effects of posttranslational modifications.

Polverini E, Rangaraj G, Libich DS, Boggs JM, Harauz G

Myelin basic protein (MBP) is a multifunctional protein involved in maintaining the stability and integrity of the myelin sheath by a variety of interactions with membranes and with cytoskeletal and other proteins. A central segment of MBP is highly conserved in mammals and consists of a membrane surface-associated amphipathic alpha-helix, immediately followed by a proline-rich segment that we hypothesize is ... [more]

Biochemistry Jan. 08, 2008; 47(1);267-82 [Pubmed: 18067320]


  • Low Throughput

Additional Notes

  • recombinant murine MBP binds to the SH3 domain on a peptide array

Curated By

  • BioGRID