APG-2, HEL-S-5a, HS24/P52, HSPH2, RY, hsp70, hsp70RY
heat shock 70kDa protein 4
GO Process (3)
GO Function (1)
GO Component (3)
Homo sapiens

Affinity Capture-Western

An interaction is inferred when a bait protein is affinity captured from cell extracts by either polyclonal antibody or epitope tag and the associated interaction partner identified by Western blot with a specific polyclonal antibody or second epitope tag. This category is also used if an interacting protein is visualized directly by dye stain or radioactivity. Note that this differs from any co-purification experiment involving affinity capture in that the co-purification experiment involves at least one extra purification step to get rid of potential contaminating proteins.


Hsp70 associates with Rictor and is required for mTORC2 formation and activity.

Martin J, Masri J, Bernath A, Nishimura RN, Gera J

mTORC2 is a multiprotein kinase composed of mTOR, mLST8, PRR5, mSIN1 and Rictor. The complex is insensitive to rapamycin and has demonstrated functions controlling cell growth, motility, invasion and cytoskeletal assembly. mTORC2 is the major hydrophobic domain kinase which renders Akt fully active via phosphorylation on serine 473. We isolated Hsp70 as a putative Rictor interacting protein in a yeast ... [more]

Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. Aug. 08, 2008; 372(4);578-83 [Pubmed: 18505677]


  • Low Throughput

Additional Notes

  • figure 2.

Related interactions

InteractionExperimental Evidence CodeDatasetThroughputScoreCurated ByNotes
Affinity Capture-MS
Affinity Capture-MS

An interaction is inferred when a bait protein is affinity captured from cell extracts by either polyclonal antibody or epitope tag and the associated interaction partner is identified by mass spectrometric methods.

Affinity Capture-Western
Affinity Capture-Western

An interaction is inferred when a bait protein is affinity captured from cell extracts by either polyclonal antibody or epitope tag and the associated interaction partner identified by Western blot with a specific polyclonal antibody or second epitope tag. This category is also used if an interacting protein is visualized directly by dye stain or radioactivity. Note that this differs from any co-purification experiment involving affinity capture in that the co-purification experiment involves at least one extra purification step to get rid of potential contaminating proteins.


Bait protein expressed as a DNA binding domain (DBD) fusion and prey expressed as a transcriptional activation domain (TAD) fusion and interaction measured by reporter gene activation.


Curated By

  • BioGRID