YRS1, ATP-binding cassette transporter YOR1, L000003083, YGR281W
Plasma membrane ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporter; multidrug transporter mediates export of many different organic anions including oligomycin; homolog of human cystic fibrosis transmembrane receptor (CFTR)
GO Process (1)
GO Function (1)
GO Component (2)

Gene Ontology Biological Process

Gene Ontology Molecular Function

Gene Ontology Cellular Component

Saccharomyces cerevisiae (S288c)


KRE27, YIL027C
Member of conserved ER transmembrane complex; required for efficient folding of proteins in the ER; null mutant displays induction of the unfolded protein response, and also shows K1 killer toxin resistance; homologous to worm B0334.15/EMC-5, fly CG15168, human MMGT
GO Process (1)
GO Function (0)
GO Component (2)

Gene Ontology Biological Process

Gene Ontology Cellular Component

Saccharomyces cerevisiae (S288c)

Negative Genetic

Mutations/deletions in separate genes, each of which alone causes a minimal phenotype, but when combined in the same cell results in a more severe fitness defect or lethality under a given condition. This term is reserved for high or low throughput studies with scores.


A yeast phenomic model for the gene interaction network modulating CFTR-ΔF508 protein biogenesis.

Louie RJ, Guo J, Rodgers JW, White R, Shah NA, Pagant S, Kim P, Livstone M, Dolinski K, McKinney BA, Hong J, Sorscher EJ, Bryan J, Miller EA, Hartman Iv JL

BACKGROUND: The overall influence of gene interaction in human disease is unknown. In cystic fibrosis (CF) a single allele of the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR-ΔF508) accounts for most of the disease. In cell models, CFTR-ΔF508 exhibits defective protein biogenesis and degradation rather than proper trafficking to the plasma membrane where CFTR normally functions. Numerous genes function in the ... [more]

Genome Med Dec. 27, 2012; 4(12);103 [Pubmed: 23270647]


  • High Throughput

Ontology Terms

  • phenotype: resistance to chemicals (APO:0000087)

Additional Notes

  • oligomycin

Curated By

  • BioGRID