Reconstituted Complex

An interaction is detected between purified proteins in vitro.


SNX9 regulates tubular invagination of the plasma membrane through interaction with actin cytoskeleton and dynamin 2.

Shin N, Ahn N, Chang-Ileto B, Park J, Takei K, Ahn SG, Kim SA, Di Paolo G, Chang S

Dynamic membrane remodeling during intracellular trafficking is controlled by the intricate interplay between lipids and proteins. BAR domains are modules that participate in endocytic processes by binding and deforming the lipid bilayer. Sorting nexin 9 (SNX9), which functions in clathrin-mediated endocytosis, contains a BAR domain, however, the properties of this domain are not well understood. Here we show that SNX9 ... [more]

J. Cell. Sci. Apr. 15, 2008; 121(0);1252-63 [Pubmed: 18388313]


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  • BioGRID