CCS-3, CCS3, EE1A1, EEF-1, EEF1A, EF-Tu, EF1A, GRAF-1EF, HNGC:16303, LENG7, PTI1, eEF1A-1, RP11-505P4.2
eukaryotic translation elongation factor 1 alpha 1
Homo sapiens

Affinity Capture-MS

An interaction is inferred when a bait protein is affinity captured from cell extracts by either polyclonal antibody or epitope tag and the associated interaction partner is identified by mass spectrometric methods.


Proteomic analysis of the SIRT6 interactome: novel links to genome maintenance and cellular stress signaling.

Simeoni F, Tasselli L, Tanaka S, Villanova L, Hayashi M, Kubota K, Isono F, Garcia BA, Michishita-Kioi E, Chua KF

The chromatin regulatory factor SIRT6 plays pivotal roles in metabolism, tumor suppression, and aging biology. Despite the fundamental roles of SIRT6 in physiology and disease, only a handful of molecular and functional interactions of SIRT6 have been reported. Here, we characterize the SIRT6 interactome and identify 80+ novel SIRT6-interacting proteins. The discovery of these SIRT6-associations considerably expands knowledge of the ... [more]

Sci Rep Oct. 31, 2013; 3(0);3085 [Pubmed: 24169447]


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  • BioGRID