PAC15, aurora kinase, L000000871, YPL209C
Aurora kinase of conserved chromosomal passenger complex; mediates release on mono-oriented kinetochores from microtubules in meiosis I, also release of kinetochores from cluster at SPBs at meiosis exit; helps maintain condensed chromosomes during anaphase, early telophase; required for SPB cohesion and prevention of multipolar spindle formation; Iocalizes to nuclear foci that diffuse upon DNA replication stress; required for inhibition of karyopherin Pse1p upon SAC arrest
Saccharomyces cerevisiae (S288c)


histone H3, L000000773, YNL031C
Histone H3; core histone protein required for chromatin assembly, part of heterochromatin-mediated telomeric and HM silencing; one of two identical histone H3 proteins (see HHT1); regulated by acetylation, methylation, and phosphorylation; H3K14 acetylation plays an important role in the unfolding of strongly positioned nucleosomes during repair of UV damage
Saccharomyces cerevisiae (S288c)

Biochemical Activity (Phosphorylation)

An interaction is inferred from the biochemical effect of one protein upon another, for example, GTP-GDP exchange activity or phosphorylation of a substrate by a kinase. The bait protein executes the activity on the substrate hit protein. A Modification value is recorded for interactions of this type with the possible values Phosphorylation, Ubiquitination, Sumoylation, Dephosphorylation, Methylation, Prenylation, Acetylation, Deubiquitination, Proteolytic Processing, Glucosylation, Nedd(Rub1)ylation, Deacetylation, No Modification, Demethylation.


Pericentromeric sister chromatid cohesion promotes kinetochore biorientation.

Ng TM, Waples WG, Lavoie BD, Biggins S

Accurate chromosome segregation depends on sister kinetochores making bioriented attachments to microtubules from opposite poles. An essential regulator of biorientation is the Ipl1/Aurora B protein kinase that destabilizes improper microtubule-kinetochore attachments. To identify additional biorientation pathways, we performed a systematic genetic analysis between the ipl1-321 allele and all nonessential budding yeast genes. One of the mutants, mcm21Delta, precociously separates pericentromeres ... [more]

Mol. Biol. Cell Sep. 01, 2009; 20(17);3818-27 [Pubmed: 19605555]


  • Low Throughput

Related interactions

InteractionExperimental Evidence CodeDatasetThroughputScoreCurated ByNotes
Phenotypic Enhancement
Phenotypic Enhancement

A genetic interaction is inferred when mutation or overexpression of one gene results in enhancement of any phenotype (other than lethality/growth defect) associated with mutation or over expression of another gene.

Synthetic Growth Defect
Synthetic Growth Defect

A genetic interaction is inferred when mutations in separate genes, each of which alone causes a minimal phenotype, result in a significant growth defect under a given condition when combined in the same cell.

Synthetic Lethality
Synthetic Lethality

A genetic interaction is inferred when mutations or deletions in separate genes, each of which alone causes a minimal phenotype, result in lethality when combined in the same cell under a given condition.


Curated By

  • BioGRID