
Interaction inferred from two proteins that co-localize in the cell by indirect immunofluorescence only when in addition, if one gene is deleted, the other protein becomes mis-localized. Also includes co-dependent association of proteins with promoter DNA in chromatin immunoprecipitation experiments.


Chr21 protein-protein interactions: enrichment in proteins involved in intellectual disability, autism, and late-onset Alzheimer's disease.

Viard J, Loe-Mie Y, Daudin R, Khelfaoui M, Plancon C, Boland A, Tejedor F, Huganir RL, Kim E, Kinoshita M, Liu G, Haucke V, Moncion T, Yu E, Hindie V, Blehaut H, Mircher C, Herault Y, Deleuze JF, Rain JC, Simonneau M, Lepagnol-Bestel AM

Down syndrome (DS) is caused by human chromosome 21 (HSA21) trisomy. It is characterized by a poorly understood intellectual disability (ID). We studied two mouse models of DS, one with an extra copy of the <i>Dyrk1A</i> gene (189N3) and the other with an extra copy of the mouse Chr16 syntenic region (Dp(16)1Yey). RNA-seq analysis of the transcripts deregulated in the ... [more]

Life Sci Alliance Aug. 01, 2022; 5(12); [Pubmed: 35914814]


  • Low Throughput

Additional Notes

  • Proximity Ligation Assay

Curated By

  • BioGRID